Konosuba movie dubbed
Konosuba movie dubbed

Probably my biggest gripe with this film. It was sort of ecchi-heavy and it revolved more about sex, love and relationships as i expected. However all plotpoints had the usual quirky (and kinda dumb-funny) konosoba-feel

konosuba movie dubbed

The story was mostly what you'd expect from Konosuba, but the last 20 minutes were a bit too "cliché-anime-movie", in my opinion. Nothing too special, but not generic either. (But one time they forgot to translate background chatter, that was subtitled in Japanese. The german subtitles were kind of inaccurate at times, but nothing that impacted the understanding of the scene/plot. Saw this movie in a local german cinema a few hours ago. TL DR If you like Konosuba, you will have a great time, but don't expect stellar animations, just because it's a movie. If you didn't like the show, why are you even reading this review? Go watch something else, pleb. Overall score: 8/10 - If you liked the show and don't expect the movie to go above and beyond the show's quality, then this will be a great watch. True to the spirit of Megumin, they seemed to put more budget into just the explosions, which looked pretty good. Background characters sometimes barely have a face. animation was lacking in quite a few places, which is even more noticeable this time since it's supposed to be a movie. The Bad: Since the movie is basically just an extended episode, the

konosuba movie dubbed

Nothing special, but no one watches Konosuba for the plot, amirite? )

konosuba movie dubbed

Story-wise, it's a simple story about the gang visiting Megumin and Yunyun's hometown. The interactions between the characters were a goldmine of laughs for me. Kazuma's antics are entertaining as always, Megumin gets plenty of fanservice, Yunyun gets a bit more screentime, and even the new villain is memorable. The Good - The humor is on point, exactly the same quality as the show. TL DR: Basically a 1.5-hour long version of the show, with all the jokes and fanservice you'd expect from Konosuba!

Konosuba movie dubbed